TEDxBrisbane Content Advisory
TEDxBrisbane features a broad range of topics and speakers from a diversity of disciplines. Our audiences frequently tell us they’ve been inspired, empowered, confronted, entertained and captivated by the ideas we present.You should expect that at least some of the talks will challenge you with their content. Do not expect to agree with everything you hear. TEDx is a platform for great ideas, which will include challenging and confronting topics and inspire difficult conversations that our community needs to have.
We ask you to attend with an open mind. We have very intentionally chosen each of today’s ideas to share with you as we believe they need to be discussed. Our speakers are going to take you on a journey into the world as they experience it. Be prepared to travel.
If we feature a talk which contains particularly sensitive material, such as material some may regard as graphic, or which might not be suitable for young children, we issue a specific warning from stage at the end of the session immediately prior to that talk.
We do so intentionally. We hope this allows those of you in the theatre to choose a seat for the next session which is on the periphery and away from camera sight lines, where you will feel comfortable making a discreet exit before that talk commences, should you choose to do so. It also allows people watching on the live stream to utilise that moment to grab a cup of tea or relocate away from where young children might be watching and listening.
We also make note immediately prior to the talk, so people know when they should step out if they wish to do so, before we commence the talk.
We do this knowing that you will be able to watch the talk online later, at a time and in a space you choose.
If you need a time out today for any reason please speak to one of the advocates or team members and we shall direct you to a quiet space for you to use as needed. We can stay with you, or leave you to take the time to gather yourself – just tell us what you need.
Learn More About The Advocate Role