Who is Adoni Media?
Adoni Media is an award-winning Corporate Communications and PR Agency with offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Perth. We work as trusted advisors developing PR strategies, brand stories, and managing reactive issues and crisis media. Founded by award-winning journalist, Leisa Goddard, Adoni is recognised for excellence in PR and government relations campaigns. We believe experience delivers results, which is why the team is made up of former journalists, Reporters, News Directors and News Managers across print, radio and TV.
Why does Adoni Media support TEDxBrisbane?
Adoni Media has been a proud PR partner of TEDxBrisbane for the last two years. TEDxBrisbane, led by the amazing Juanita Wheeler, is dedicated to unearthing and promoting inspiring speakers, innovative thinking and new ideas, and we are excited to help champion the stories that are making such a positive impact in the world.

We couldn’t be happier to have Adoni Media on board.
– A message from the TEDxBrisbane Executive Director.
adonimedia.com.auThere are limited partnership opportunities still available for 2023.
If you’re interested in finding out more, please email hello@tedxbrisbane.com.au