Sustainability advocate and seaweed industry champion

Jo Kelly is CEO of the Australian Seaweed Institute and leads an innovative, nature-based solution for seaweed biofilters to help protect the Great Barrier Reef from water pollution. The solution is recognised by the World Economic Forum as a top 10 ocean innovation for impact and Jo has presented at the UN Oceans Conference, Monaco Ocean Week and Economist Ocean Forums.
Jo is Chair of the Australian Sustainable Seaweed Alliance and Steering Committee of the UN Global Compact’s Global Seaweed Coalition, working across industry, government and research to build a global regenerative seaweed industry. In 2020 she authored the Australian Seaweed Industry Blueprint, outlining the opportunity and plan to achieve a new sustainable seaweed industry. Jo combines executive experience in strategy, sustainability, innovation, impact finance and environmental engineering and is a Nuffield Scholar, Myer Innovation Fellow and AMP Tomorrow Maker for her work in ocean impact and innovation.
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