Human rights & environmental activist, CNN Hero
Aaron Jackson is a human rights and environmental activist from Florida, United States of America. At 23 years of age, he backpacked around the world and co-founded the global non-profit organisation, Planting Peace, in 2004.
Planting Peace’s work has included a multi-national deworming campaign which has since dewormed nearly 22 million children; creating a network of orphanages and safe havens in developing countries; LGBTQ rights advocacy and rainforest conservation efforts in the Amazon. Some of their most well-known projects are the Equality House in front of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas; establishing Antarctica as the first LGBTQ-friendly continent and assisting Ukrainian refugees and their dogs at the Poland-Ukraine border in 2022. Aaron was named 2007 CNN Hero for best medical project and a DODO hero for his work saving enslaved elephants.
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